23 Feb 2013

Sedgwick Green is taking shape ...

I'm sure there are many of you who can relate.... how does one hold down a regular job, get on with daily life, and find time to write? Someone said to me once - 'Whatever you do, write every day for at least ten minutes. Don't let a day go past when you don't write.' 
That's easier said than done, let me tell you.

I need to fit in a commute to work, my work day, another commute home, exercise, cooking, a shower and daily chores every day before I even consider writing. As When I get home in the evening, I exercise and then make something to eat. I tried exercising in the early morning and almost killed myself. Physically, I'm not firing on all cylinders at 06 hundred!
But guess what, if I get an early enough night, my brain (with a shot of strong coffee) conjures up some amazing stuff!

So that's what I've started to do....
I aim for lights out between 10 and 10.30 on a week night, give myself 7 to 7,5 hours sleep and then get up at 5am. Eyes at half mast, I trundle downstairs, hit the power button on my laptop and navigate my way into the kitchen to boil the kettle. By the time, the water is hot enough, eyes and brain are co-ordinating and coherence is a viable option. When I taste that hot, liquid bitterness I get my first wide awake zing of the day, and then I'm good to go.

I'm well into week 2 of this programme and loving it. There's a special sense of achievement when I drive to work knowing that if I do nothing else today, I'm one step closer to my dream.
And that's all that matters.

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